Chapter Seven
The board members were gathered around the table, their
empty plates sitting in front of them. Coffee and desserts were served as we
worked through lunchtime, discussing the most economical way to fulfill our
shipping requirements.
Finding the right food wasn’t the hard part. Our country had
a natural abundance of fresh produce and high quality meat. It was no wonder
why a quarter of the groceries in every household were thrown away.
Calloway’s agenda had always been focused on the reduction
of this waste and the removal of corporate laws that prohibited businesses from
donating their unsold goods to homeless shelters or beggars on the street. To
protect themselves from unsuspecting lawsuits, owners deposited their excess in
the refuse because they didn’t want to take the risk.
We needed to change that stupidity.
With our country’s sustainable farming and high
productivity, food has never been an issue. But for some people—home
and abroad—getting
food on the table was a daily struggle. Calloway and I believed there was more
than enough to go around, and it was smart business to make it happen.
After two hours of entertaining these old fools who were set
in their ways, the meeting finally ended.
Today, it was difficult for me to listen to their
presentation and constant roadblocks because I was thinking about Anastasia.
That red skin where I slapped her so many times. That beautiful expression she
made when she came. All those freckles on her nose that I oddly wanted to kiss.
She was the only thing on my mind.
The boardroom was finally vacated, and Calloway purposely
stayed behind so we could exchange a few words.
When the door finally shut and we were alone, he spoke his
mind. “Are you still awake?”
“How do you get anything done at Grey House when you’ve got
all that dead weight?”
I asked myself that every day. “It seems things are moving
forward—that’s what counts.”
“But how long did it take us to get here?” He rubbed his
chin with his fingers, feeling the stubble protrude from the skin.
“It’ll be worth it—in the end.”
“That’s what I keep telling myself.” He shut his folder and
left it sitting on the desk. For a moment, he looked out the window, his blue
eyes reflecting the brightness of the city. It was a clear day, full of
sunshine. “Jackson told me you weren’t in the playroom long.” It was another
question that was phrased as something else entirely.
“Because we didn’t use it.”
“Sorry, man. Patience is a virtue.”
“It wasn’t because she didn’t want to.”
“But I bet all those whips scared her off.”
I smiled because it was the exact opposite. “She told me
something that changed everything. I couldn’t start our physical relationship
at RUIN.”
He didn’t ask what he wanted to know, but his look showed
his curiosity.
We talked about women all the time because we were cut from
the same cloth. We both lived underground with the shadows. We both practiced a
lifestyle most people would sneer at. There were no judgments between the two
of us, simply a healthy appreciation. “She told me she was a virgin.”
Calloway always kept his cool, holding back his reactions
because he was a pro at it. But this time, he couldn’t hide his shock. Both of
his eyes widened instinctively. His fingers stopped gliding across his chin.
“How is that possible?”
“Said she hadn’t found the right guy yet.” Apparently, I was
the right guy.
“Damn. How did she wait so long?”
“I’m sure she’s asking herself that very question.”
“So you went through with it?” he asked in surprise. “I’d
never walk down that path. They’re too risky. Could blow up in your face at any
That wasn’t news to me. “I know. But I did it anyway.” And I
didn’t have any regrets. When I looked at Ana, I saw her as exclusively mine.
No one else could touch her because she was the property of me, Christian Grey.
She wasn’t just my sub, but someone I possessed. I didn’t want to share her
with anyone and I suspected I never would.
Calloway whistled under his breath. “Good luck, man.”
I didn’t think I’d need it.
“At least you’ll have fun training her.”
That couldn’t be more true. “She was hesitant at first, but
she got on board the second we began. I’d never had a sub more enthused about
being whipped.”
His eyes widened again. “Damn.”
I didn’t think I could wait until Friday to see her again.
My subs only came over on the weekends but that seemed unrealistic with Ana.
Since I couldn’t stop thinking about her, it was impossible for me to get
anything done. It would be easier if she was at my apartment, ready to go the
second I walked inside. If it weren’t a federal offense, I might make her a
prisoner. “How are things with Rome?”
His shoulders sagged with disappointment. “Haven’t seen her
Judging the quick way he dumped Isabella, I assumed Rome
would be in his bed already.
“There’s a gala this weekend, and my PI told me she would be
there. I’ll make my move then.”
“You don’t think that will be obvious?”
“No. The gala is to recognize people who’ve done outstanding
charity work for the city. I won for the last three years, but they’ve passed
on the torch to someone new—Rome.”
“I’ll make my move then. Hopefully, I’ll go home with
something more than her name.”
“I wish you the best of luck.”
His fingers moved across his chin again. “I don’t think I’ll
need it.” He winked. “But thanks anyway.”
Ms. Jones left for the day and had dinner sitting in the
fridge. Now I sat at my kitchen table and watched the raindrops pelt the
window. A cup of coffee was in front of me, but I didn’t drink it. After work,
I went by the gym and showered when I got home. Now that I was alone without
any obligations, my thoughts turned to the woman on my mind.
Anastasia Steele.
Instead of wondering what she was doing, I called her. I
held the phone to my ear and listened to it ring. After three rings, I feared
she wouldn’t answer. And if she didn’t, I’d be wondering what she was doing.
Whatever it was, it better not have involved some other guy.
Unless she wanted me to kill him.
Her soft voice spoke on the line. “Christian.”
My spine shivered when I heard her say that. It was innately
sexy—even if it was egotistical. “Anastasia.”
She went silent on the line.
I sipped my coffee and listened to the silence. I had no
reason to call her. But that didn’t stop me from doing it. “How was your day?”
“Good. Yours?”
“The same as any other.” I looked out the window again,
seeing the drops on the glass. “Do you have plans for the evening?”
“Not unless you count making brownies with Kate a plan.”
I wanted to smile, felt the sensation pull at my lips, but I
didn’t give in to it. “Noble work.”
“Very.” She laughed into the phone.
I instilled my voice with authority when I spoke. “Come over
Her pause lasted an eternity. “It’s not the weekend.”
“I don’t care.”
“You made it clear this was just a weekend thing.”
“Well, I changed my mind.” I gave her dates and romance. I
could give her more if she wanted me to.
“I’m not going over there until I get something in
return—another date.”
Fine by me. “Whatever you want, Anastasia.”
I took her to a café for sandwiches and tea. Someplace low
profile where we could sit in the corner and stare at one another. I’d taken
her to a few fancy places, and judging the small amount of food she ate, she
didn’t care for it.
We talked about work and her new internship at a publishing
house. She was excited to start her first position out of college, and she had
the spirit of someone starting a new life. If she kept up her motivation, she
would accomplish every goal she had. When I started my company, it began just
as a mere thought. But when I didn’t stop thinking about it, I made it into an
We went to my apartment afterward, and we were finally ready
for the activities I looked forward to the most. I already had my fantasy in
mind, exactly what I wanted to do to her for the evening.
But I had something else to do first. “I want you to start taking
the pill.”
She removed her jacket and placed it on the back of the
chair in the dining room. When she turned to me, that fire of resistance was in
her eyes. “You want me to take the pill?”
“No more condoms.” I wanted to feel her bare skin, to feel
our bodies move together the way they were intended. And I wanted to come
inside her, to really make her mine.
“You could ask me instead of ordering me around, you know?”
She crossed her arms over her chest, looking sexy when she was feisty.
Oddly, it pleased me. “Just a suggestion. Do you disagree?”
When she didn’t answer, I knew what her response was.
“I can have a doctor write a prescription for you.”
“I can take care of it. Don’t worry about it.” She glanced
down the hallway before she turned back to me, her eyes telling me exactly what
she wanted. She didn’t want to sit around and make small talk.
I didn’t press her on the subject even though I wanted her
to take care of it right this second. I moved to her on the other side of the
room, my hands in the pockets of my jeans. I stopped in front of her and stared
at her perfectly beautiful face, wondering how she would feel if there was no
rubber between us.
She stared back, her eyes glancing down nervously. Sometimes,
she had a spine of steel, and other times, her vulnerability came pouring out.
“You surprise me.” My hand moved to her arm then glided up
to her cheek.
“Surprise you?”
“You enjoyed that whip so much. You wanted it harder every
Color flooded her cheeks immediately. “I wasn’t expecting
“You trust me.”
“Maybe…or maybe I just liked it.”
I stared at her lips, my mouth aching to kiss her. “I think
you’ll like my palm even more.”
Her eyes darkened in response. “I like the way you seize
control. I like that I don’t have to think about anything, just feel. All I do
is live in the moment and enjoy every sensation and every touch, knowing you’ll
take me where I need to go. It’s exhilarating.”
Both of my hands cupped her cheeks.
“I want that control,” she whispered. “I want to be the
My hands twitched as they held her cheeks because I couldn’t
believe what she just said. I took her virginity just a few weeks ago, and now
she was already moving up the ladder of the BDSM lifestyle.
She saw the displeasure in my eyes, and her small hands
wrapped around my wrists. “We can take turns, can’t we?”
“It doesn’t work like that. I’m the Dom, and I’ll always be
the Dom. You can’t switch roles with the same partner.”
“Why not?”
“It messes up the dynamic. And like I said before, I’ll
never be a sub again.”
She stared into my eyes with disappointment. She didn’t bother hiding it, unhappy with the turn of events.
I wanted to kiss her a moment before, but now I was in a
state of utter shock. I wasn’t sure if I could train her to be a sub, and now
she wanted to promote herself to the head of the playroom.
Her voice came out as a whisper. “Not even for me?”
I ordered her into the playroom and walked into my bedroom
to prepare myself. I drank a full glass of water and changed my jeans. I left
my shirt on the bed because I knew I wouldn’t need it. Purposely, I waited an
extra ten minutes so she would have to sit on the floor and wait for me.
She needed to be disciplined for her request.
She wanted to be in charge of the playroom—of my playroom.
After one little taste, she wanted more, and we hadn’t even explored
everything. This virgin took me by surprise and turned my world upside down.
After her first experience, she was ready for everything. And to think I
actually thought she might run for the hills…
When I’d made her wait long enough, I finally walked inside
and saw her sitting on the floor with her chin tilted to the ground. She didn’t
make eye contact with me, sitting there naked with her hair in a braid over one
I grabbed the leather straps then secured them around her
wrists, making them tight and secure. As I kneeled before her, she didn’t turn
her gaze on me. She obliged my every rule and didn’t even glance at me.
I walked to the suspension chains in the center of the room.
She rose to her feet, her tits perky and her nipples hard.
She still didn’t look at me because I hadn’t given her permission.
“Stand here.”
She slowly walked to where I was, underneath the metal
hooked to the ceiling.
“Arms up.”
She raised them up, her eyes still focused on the ground.
I bound her wrists above her head, chaining her to the
apparatus. Her feet were still on the ground, and she stood with perfect
I loosened the chain so her arms fell to her sides. “On your
She lowered herself without question, her wrists tied
I undid the top of my jeans and lowered my boxers so I could
be free. “Have you ever sucked a man before, Anastasia?”
“No, sir.”
My chest ached with the pleasure that just burst inside my
body. Not only did she follow my command and call me sir, but she also gave me
the answer I’d been hoping for. “Open your mouth and begin.”
She parted her lips then pressed her lips to the center of
my length. Her tongue moved along the grooves and tasted me. It was obvious
she’d never done this before based on her hesitation, but it felt good all the
same. She finally took me into her mouth, pushing me as far as I would fit down
her throat.
My hand dug into her hair, and I gripped the back of her
skull harshly. I was the first man to penetrate her in so many ways, and I
still had one hole that was uncharted territory. But I would get to that later.
Right now, I was thoroughly enjoying her wet mouth wrapped around my length.
I’d fantasized about this before, and it was even better than I imagined. She
couldn’t use her hands to touch me, so she had to crane her neck to get my
length repeatedly.
I gripped the back of her neck and fucked her mouth, sliding
between her lips and feeling the softness of the back of her throat. Sometimes,
she choked on air as she nearly gasped, and I gave her a small respite and
pulled out. But the second she caught her breath, I was back inside her,
thrusting hard and fast.
While I enjoyed this immensely, I couldn’t do it forever. I
needed to be inside her, and I knew she wanted me to be inside her as well.
She moved to her feet with her hands held at her stomach.
I pulled the chain and lifted her from the floor, her feet
just inches from the ground and her waist at the perfect height for my hips. I
secured the chain then grabbed the whip from the display case. This time, I
didn’t blindfold her since she was eager for what was next.
I walked around her, circling her like a shark. “Count to
five, Anastasia.”
She responded immediately. “Yes, sir.”
This time, I swatted her on the stomach, catching her off
guard. It wasn’t as tender of a place as her ass, but the burn would feel just
as good.
“One.” She stared straight ahead and didn’t look at me.
I kept walking and swatted her on the thigh.
The hits I gave her were trivial. But they were just a warm
up. When I got to her back, I slapped her much harder.
Her body moved with the momentum of my next swat, and she
released a quiet whimper that formed into a moan. “Four…”
I stopped when I reached her ass, and I laid it on her.
She swung again, but this time, she only released a moan.
I couldn’t wait any longer, so I tossed the whip aside then
positioned myself in front of her. The latex was rolled on, and I grabbed her
thighs and locked them around my waist. My length found her entry, and I slid
inside her wet smoothness, stretching her like it was her first time all over
again. I gripped her ass and gave her cheeks a firm squeeze. “Ana.”
I thrust into her hard and fast, giving it to her with the
kind of aggression she’d never experienced. I’d taken her virginity and broke
her in, and now it was my time to fuck her the way she was meant to be fucked.
Her nipples hardened despite the heat between us and she panted as I penetrated
her over and over.
“Christian…” Her sexy moans turned to screams, and I knew
she was quickly approaching a climax. Her wrists reddened from the bite of the
leather and her heels dug into my ass as she wanted more of me.
“Come for me, Ana.” I yanked her onto my length and thrust
at the same time, feeling her tits slap against my chest with every move we
made together.
Her mouth formed an O and she slipped into heaven, closing
her eyes and rolling her head back as she enjoyed the explosion between her
legs. Her moans turned incoherent and just sounded like noise.
Infatuated, I stared into her face, loving the rosy color
that spread from her cheeks to her chin. I wanted to make her come again, to
give her that bliss once more, but I couldn’t hold on much longer. Something
about Ana diminished my resilience and made me succumb to my innate desires.
I released inside her, filling the tip of the condom with
more come than I’d ever had before. This room had been occupied by countless
others, thirteen to be exact, but it felt like the first time it was used. Ana
seemed to be the only woman who graced these four walls. She did unnatural
things to me, made me feel more satisfaction and more angst than anyone before.
Was it her beauty? Was it her feistiness? Or was it nothing in particular at
Asleep in my arms, I carried her into her bedroom and tucked
her under the sheets. The bedding was ivory and matched the four walls and
jeweled lamp. The blinds were closed so she was in darkness.
I sat at the edge of the bed and watched her for an instant,
noticing the way her chest rose and fell evenly. Her cheeks had returned to
their normal pale color, and her plump lips gleamed with softness. A quiet sigh
escaped her throat, an unconscious act. I turned off the lamp and finally
walked out, leaving her to slumber in peace.
It was late, so I went into my room and shut the door. The
king size bed was intended just for me with Egyptian cotton and down feathered
pillows. I preferred to sleep alone because it was simply easier. But the night
I slept with Ana was the best night of sleep I’d ever gotten—for whatever
I got ready for bed then lay there, thinking about
everything that happened that afternoon. Once in a while, an image of my first
green toy car came to my mind. It went under the couch, and I never got it
back. And my mother didn’t seem to care. When I tried to explain what the
problem was, she hushed me.
Why did I think about these things? After all this time?
Falling asleep was the most difficult part. I thought about other things when I shouldn’t. And those thoughts turned into other difficult thoughts, and the cycle just continued. If I could turn my brain off, I would. But that drug had yet to be invented.
Footsteps sounded in the hallway and my bedroom door
cracked. Ana stepped inside, covered by the comforter from her bed, wrapped
tightly around her like a shawl. She stared at me silently, asking to join me
without the use of words.
“I like to sleep alone.” I made an exception for our first
time due to the nature of the situation. But no more.
“I do too. But I like to sleep with you.” With those kind
blue eyes, she watched me.
“Go back to bed, Ana.”
“So you whip me and fuck me, but you won’t sleep with me?”
Her voice took on an edge. “That doesn’t make any sense to me, and I’m sure it
doesn’t make any sense to you.” Without waiting for an invitation, she dropped
the blanket and crawled into the bed. She snuggled into my side and rested her
face on my chest.
I stared at her and didn’t push her away. I didn’t press my
argument because I didn’t see the point. And a part of me didn’t want to fight
it anyway. Deep down inside, I knew I wanted her to be there. With her beside
me, I didn’t think about that toy car or the smell of cigarettes in my old
apartment. I didn’t think about the way the hot ash felt against my skin. All I
thought about were those rosy cheeks and shiny hair. All I thought about was
the way she whispered my name when I was deep inside her. Then I thought about
the O-shape she made with her mouth when she came.
And I couldn’t remember anything else because I fell asleep.
Chapter Eight
The contract moved to each philanthropist around the table,
and quickly, their signatures were added. Calloway used his own pen when he
signed, making his autograph a mere scribble with the quick movement of his
hand. I was the last one to sign, and finally, it was done.
I managed to get the richest men of the city together for a
good cause, and the rewards would extend throughout the whole year. Families
would get clothing, shelter, and health care. It was a breakthrough for
everyone, from those at the top of the ladder to those at the very bottom.
I shook hands with each of the men as they walked out. Like
always, Calloway lingered behind. “Congratulations.”
“To both of us.” I stayed in my seat at the head of the
Calloway leaned back once the suits had left the room. We
were half the age of everyone else sitting at the table. We didn’t exactly fit
in. “I guess so. Took enough talking to finally make it happen.”
“You know how those suits are. The more money they have, the
less they want to share.”
He chuckled. “True. So, what’s new with you, Christian Grey?
I know your mysterious life must be fascinating.”
I didn’t leak the details about Ana and me. As my
submissive, I would protect her image as much as I could. “Good. We’re enjoying
“I’m jealous.” He ran his fingers across his chin. “Isabella
has been gone for a while now, and I don’t have a new plaything—yet.”
“Rome is being difficult?”
“I wouldn’t say difficult. It’s just taking longer than I
expected. Do you plan to take Ana to RUIN anytime soon?”
“Possibly.” Ana showed characteristics I never expected. One
moment, she was a blushing virgin. And then the next, she couldn’t get enough
of the whip. “She’s a lot more adventurous than I was expecting.”
“Ooh…” Calloway waggled his eyebrows. “Never a bad thing, in
my experience. But I have to say I’m surprised. She seems so…shy.”
“I thought the same thing. But the other night, she asked if
she could be the Dom.”
Calloway’s eyes popped open, and even someone who’d seen
everything was surprised. “I’ve never heard that one before. What did you say?”
“You’ve got a truly remarkable woman on your hands, Grey.”
“I’m starting to realize that…”
“Don’t let this one go. She sounds like fun.”
I had no intention of it.
He discreetly glanced at my right ring finger then looked
away, checking for the obsidian ring exclusive Doms wore.
I’d never worn one before. Jewelry wasn’t my thing. Got in
the way.
He rose from his seat then buttoned the front of his suit.
“I should get going. But let me know how things go with your plaything.” He
rested his hand on my shoulder before he walked out. “Sounds like the beginning
of an adventure.”
Ana sat across from me at the table, picking at a piece of
bread beside her barely-touched dinner plate. We were in my apartment next to
the window, the streetlights from the city entering the tinted glass.
I watched her lips move, entranced by every slight movement
she made.
Ana knew I was watching her, so she watched me back. “What?”
I didn’t answer.
A slight smile crept into her lips and she broke eye
contact. “You always do that…stare.”
“I like to look at you.” When I was with her, I didn’t care
about food or water. All I wanted was to have her slender body underneath mine.
All I wanted was to worship her, to take our relationship to a new level.
She set the piece of bread down. “I did as you asked.”
“You’ll need to be more specific than that.”
“I’m on the pill.”
Good. I couldn’t handle anymore latex. “When can we start?”
“Now, if you want.”
Yes. I definitely wanted to.
“I have a question about…this relationship.”
She always had questions. The more questions she asked, the
more that came to her brain. “Yes?”
“The Dom-sub relationships…is that only in the playroom? Or
is that all the time?”
“All the time.” Every moment the sub was in my presence she
was required to do what I asked.
“Then why haven’t we done that?”
“I wanted to ease you into it first.” There was no sense in
accelerating to full speed if she didn’t understand how the car worked.
“I see…” She looked out the window, her eyes filled with
thought. “And what if I don’t want that?”
My eyes narrowed in excitement. “You don’t want to ease into
“No. I don’t want to be a full-time sub. I only want to be
that way in the playroom.”
Disappointment filled me with a single tidal wave. “That’s
not how this works, Ana.”
“I disagree. I like to live in the moment when it arrives. I
can get lost to the directions, to the heat between us. But if I have to obey
you all the time, I’ll quickly lose interest and won’t want to do it at all
I’d never had a sub disagree with me like that, but Ana’s
reasoning was sound. To do something all the time made it less special. “I
accept your request.”
Her blue eyes turned back to my face, glimmering like
thudding stars in the distance of space. “Thank you.”
Now that dinner was finished and our conversation was over,
I wanted to move on to the best part of the evening. I wanted to be inside her
without a condom, to fill her with my seed for the first time.
“If this is how things are going to be, I think we should
lay some ground rules.” She came into my life as a shy and timid woman, but now
she was calling meetings like she was sitting at the head of the table at Grey
House. She continued to amaze me.
“Ground rules?”
“Yeah. I’m not sleeping in that weird extra room down the
hall where the others have been.”
“I can give you a different room if it’s important to you.”
“No.” Her voice rang with authority. “I sleep with you. End
of story.”
I didn’t do the sleepover thing. In fact, she was the first
person who slept in my bed with me ever. It’d happened twice now, and both
times, I slept well. “Why?”
“I said I wanted more, and you said you would give it to
“By taking you out from time to time. I never said we would
sleep together.”
“Now we are.”
My jaw tensed at her combative tone. My spine shivered in
desire and my thighs tightened because I wanted to jump up and throw her on the
table. I loved her explosive fire because I never expected her to possess it. I
was the Dom always looking for the perfect submissive, but her resistance just
turned me on more.
“And I want to switch from time to time.”
“Switch what?” Sides of the bed?
“I want to be the Dom sometimes.”
I stared at her blankly, shocked she’d made such a claim.
“You don’t have enough experience, Ana.”
“I think I’ll be just fine.”
“And I told you, partners don’t switch.”
“That’s not what I read online. Sounds like it’s up to the
people involved. And I’d like to try.”
When I spotted her in that coffee shop, she seemed like a quiet woman who kept to herself. Her confidence seemed to have risen from nowhere, rising up from nothing and becoming a smoke storm. She caught me by surprise, and the fact I was willing to continue to have these kinds of conversations with her surprised me too. In the short amount of time I’d been with her, I’d folded and given her nearly everything she wanted. I bent backwards just to make this woman stay with me. The idea of her walking away terrified me, and I never wanted that to happen. I couldn’t explain my feelings—even to myself. “Why?”
“I want to have the control—to feel what you feel.”
Now that she’d seen me in control of her, she must have
craved it herself. She must have seen my hands shake with desperation when I
held the leather. She must have felt my length throb deep inside her once we
were finally combined. She watched me on my throne and wanted to be a queen
herself. “I’ll think about it.”
That was the most she would get out of me, and she knew it.
“Thank you.”
Blindfolded with her braid over one shoulder, she sat on the
floor with her hands resting on her thighs. Her breathing was deep and even,
implying she was calm as she waited for her first command.
I undid the top of my jeans and sat on the edge of the bed.
I took a moment to watch her, to enjoy her submissive qualities as she waited
for my command. Just in her cotton panties, she looked like an erotic dream. I
couldn’t wait to be inside her without latex, to feel her skin against mine.
She rose to her feet immediately, her hands resting by her
She followed the sound of my voice until she approached the
edge of the bed. Her legs tapped against my knees.
“Lay across me, your ass up.”
She lay over my thighs, her butt slightly up in the air
because of the steep curve in her back.
My palm glided over the fabric of her panties, feeling their
softness. I grabbed them and pulled them to her thighs, exposing the pale
cheeks that were about to turn red. My fingers explored her slowly, feeling the
mound of muscle under each cheek. Then I moved between her thighs and slowly
pulsed into her entrance, feeling the moisture greet me immediately. She’d been
ready for me the second she kneeled in front of the door.
“I don’t like to be questioned, Ana.” My hand slid back to
her ass. “I don’t like to be told what to do. I’m the Dom, not you.”
“Yes, sir.”
I squeezed her ass with my fingers before I spanked her. The
tap was purely playful, but it was also a warning of what was to come. “I’m
going to spank you, Ana. I’m going to spank you because you deserve to be
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Yes, sir.”
I ran my hand over the area, taking my time before I struck.
Then I raised my hand and slammed it hard on her left cheek, making the skin
She tensed underneath me, gasping quietly.
Apologetically, I rubbed the skin with my fingertips.
“Count, Ana.”
She seemed to forget her role after I smacked her. “One.”
I slammed my hand down on her again, this time hitting her
right cheek. I was being more rough with her than I’d ever been before, knowing
she could handle it.
“Two…” Her voice cracked as the sting absorbed into her
I brushed my lips against her hairline as I glided my hand
over her ass, feeling the once smooth skin start to fester. Then I slammed my
hand down, hitting her on both cheeks.
She whimpered and a few tears escaped her eyes.
Fuck, it turned me on. I pressed my lips to her ear. “You
know the safe word.” My fingers lightly massaged the skin, comforting her
longer because I would only spank her harder from now on.
“Three…” Her breathing was deep and rugged, and she sniffed
as the tears reached her chin.
I was so hard I wanted to scream. My hand migrated to the
back of her thighs then to her lower back, giving her a long massage so she
could prepare for the next hit. “You look so beautiful right now, Ana.”
She closed her eyes for a moment, her cheeks beet red.
I spanked my hand across her skin again, hitting her so hard
my palm stung.
She released a quiet scream and gripped the bed underneath
her, her body dipping to get away from my hand. More tears poured from her
eyes, hot and sticky. “Four.” The word came out as a whimper.
I wanted to skip the last one so I could fuck her
immediately, but my hand ached to feel that hot skin again. I wanted to make
her tremble underneath me. The sound of her tears just fueled me. “Last one,
She straightened underneath me, knowing the last one would
be the most painful.
My arm whirled through the air with momentum, and I hit her
so hard I finally left a welt.
She took a deep breath to muffle the scream and then the
gentle cries followed afterward. Her skin was red and irritated, and it was
obvious she’d been thoroughly spanked. “Five.”
I listened to her cries before I couldn’t take them any
longer. I gathered her in my arms and positioned her on the bed, on her hands
and knees with her rear in the air. I wanted to stare at my handiwork as I
fucked her. I lowered the top of my jeans and shoved myself harshly inside her,
feeling nothing but pure wetness and skin.
It felt like heaven.
I gripped her hips and thrust into her hard, making the bed
creak because I moved with such strength. I buried myself deep and far, falling
into the abyss of no return. My eyes were glued to her red cheeks, seeing the
distant outline of my palm over the skin.
And I lost myself in her.
My phone rang, and Calloway’s name popped up on the screen.
I answered. “Cal.”
“Hey, I think you should get down here.”
Perhaps it was a wild night in the dark club. Maybe two
women had decided to become Dom and sub for everyone to see. With a place like
that, you never knew what was going to happen. “Why?”
“Ana is here.”
I nearly dropped the phone. “What did you say?”
“Ana is here,” he repeated. “She asked me to call you. She
wants to meet in Playroom #3…under her terms.”
This woman continued to surprise me. I slept with her in my
bed last night until we both had to go to work in the morning, and she seemed
content. Now she wanted more—and something different. I didn’t know what to say
so I sat there in silence.
“Christian, are you coming?”
That snapped me back to the conversation. “Yeah.”
“Good. Because the vultures are descending…”
My innate jealous rage came to the surface. “She’s off-limits.”
“I know, man. I’ll keep an eye on her for you. But you
better hurry up…otherwise, I might enjoy her myself.”
I didn’t know if he was joking or not. But I didn’t want to
find out.
I moved through the crowd until I reached the second floor
where the restricted playrooms were located. I found the third one and
immediately stepped inside, pissed off that Ana came here alone and left
herself vulnerable. If a man even touched her hand, I’d have something to say
about it.
I saw her when I walked inside, holding a whip and dressed
in nothing but a black bra and a thong.
“Strip to your boxers and kneel on the floor.” She felt the
whip in her hands, testing the leather.
“You shouldn’t have—”
She cracked the whip without touching me. “Now.”
I never agreed to switch roles, but she took the upper hand
and did it anyway. I didn’t know if I should be annoyed or impressed. Seeing
her half naked got the best of me, and I found myself undressing by the door. I
tossed my clothes to the side then kneeled.
“Stare at the floor.”
Just like I did with Elena, I immediately fell into the
submissive role.
She paced back and forth as she studied me, and when she
passed, she ran the whip across my chest seductively.
My breathing quickened, and I felt my excitement take over.
I wondered what she would ask me to do first. I wondered if she would hit
me—and how hard. My eyes were down and I could only see her move in my
periphery, but a part of me imagined a sparkly crown upon her head, making her
look like a queen.
I rose to my feet instantly, eager to get to something
“Here.” She pointed to the floor, right underneath the
My heartbeat quickened as I placed myself underneath,
knowing what was to come.
She inserted my wrists into the contraption and secured them
before she had the machine hoist me up. There was no way she would have known
how to do any of that unless someone taught her—probably Calloway. My feet were
inches off the ground and I hung there in just my briefs.
She walked behind me, the whip still in her grip. “You’re
going to count with me, Christian.”
My spine shivered at her command, knowing what was coming. I
hadn’t been whipped in years. It was a pleasure I hadn’t felt in so long I
nearly forgot about it. The leather bit into my wrists as I hung over the floor
but the pain was delightful.
She struck without warning, slamming the whip across my
back. The leather bit hard, and I felt my skin immediately scream at the
I swung forward and felt the adrenaline spike in my blood.
The burn of my skin felt familiar and foreign at the same time. I felt myself
harden at the heat in her strike. That felt so good I couldn’t believe I ever
forgot something could feel so right. “One.”
She hit me again without a break, striking untouched skin on
the other side of my spine. It slapped hard at the collision, and another mark
“Two.” The sweat formed on my forehead and leaked down.
This time, she paused, probably admiring her handiwork. She
walked toward me then pressed an unexpected kiss to the center of my back,
right on my spine.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the gentle touch.
She stepped back then struck me again, hitting me from one
shoulder to the opposite hip. The whip seared directly into my blood, making it
burn and come alive.
“You know the safe word, Christian.”
I snorted under my breath because I didn’t need the safe word.
She hit me again, finding new skin to strike and mark.
Before Ana hit me again, she walked around me and stared at
the leather that suspended me over the floor. She stepped closer then pressed
her lips against my abs. After a gentle kiss, she moved down and gripped my
boxers. She pulled them down until my length popped out, and then she gave my
tip a long and wet kiss.
I didn’t dare close my eyes as I enjoyed it. The image was
too beautiful not to be witnessed.
When she pulled away, she licked her lips then walked back
around me.
What had I done to this creature?
She struck me unexpectedly, hitting me hard with the whip
and searing my back.
“Five.” I didn’t want it to end.
She dropped the whip and released me from the suspension,
allowing my hands to become free and my feet to hit the ground. But the second
I had freedom, it was taken away. She put one handcuff on my wrist then guided
me to the bed. My hands were cuffed to the bars of the headboard behind my
back. Now I was pinned down, ready for her to take.
She pulled my boxers off and kicked them away before she
removed her own panties. Then she straddled my hips and laid her folds directly
against my length. She was wet, and her lubrication covered every inch of me as
she moved.
I immediately yanked on the handcuffs so I could touch her.
But then I realized that privilege had been taken away.
She smiled slightly, loving the fact she was in charge. She
grabbed my base and pointed my head at my entrance. Then she slowly slid down,
inserting every inch until I was completely sheathed inside her.
She gripped my shoulders and rode my length like she’d done
it a hundred times. She panted with the movement, enjoying the feeling my
throbbing size inside her.
All I could do was sit there and watch her move, and it was
unbelievably satisfying. Being tied down like an animal was liberating. Having
no rights was oddly freeing. My body was hers to do whatever she wished and I
liked being used like this.
She grinded her hips against me, slowly moving back and forth.
“So good…”
I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of her voice. The
pleasure in her tone was overwhelming. It heightened all of my senses. Somehow,
being disabled made me feel stronger. She did all the work, and I got to sit
back and enjoy it. It’d been so long since I stopped using my brain that I
forgot how to shut it down. I was always wondering how I was going to make her
come, what I was going to do next, and what toy would really end the evening
with a bang.
Ana dug harder into me then gripped my biceps. Her eyes
rolled in the back of her head and she let out a scream I was used to hearing.
She came all over me, tightening around me in the process.
I didn’t even need to make her come.
She slowly winded down, her breathing rising and falling as
the adrenaline passed. She stayed right on my lap and continued to ride me,
taking every inch like a pro. “Christian, it’s your turn…”
I looked into her bright blue eyes and felt myself slip
“When I tell you to come, you come.”
My breaths came out shaky because those words felt so good.
She increased her pace down my length, giving it to me good
and hard. She was going to give me the command at any moment.
I waited, not letting myself come any sooner than I was
She worked up a sweat and finally gave me the permission I
sought. “Now, Christian. Come inside me.”
Within the snap of a finger, I obeyed. I tensed until I
exploded inside her, holding my breath as the pleasure hit me like a mine
field. The explosions happened everywhere, making me feel alive and dead at the
same time.
She rode me until I was completely finished, her body full
of everything I just gave her. The same look of satisfaction was in her eyes as
was in mine. Beautiful and wet, she sat in my lap like it was her throne.
I stared at her with a foreign sensation deep inside my gut.
It burned white hot, making me feel both excited and scared. My relationship
with Ana didn’t fit any rules. It lived by its own laws, organic and alive. It
couldn’t be controlled or subdued. It was even out of my hands, the man who
founded it.
But something told me this was where I was supposed to
be—and this was the woman I was supposed to be with. I’d already let her share
my bed on several occasions, and now I allowed her to tie me up and whip me
like I once did to her. I let my walls down and allowed her to enter, to become
an integral part of my life.

An Excerpt from Black Obsidian:
lifted the glass to my mouth and felt the ice cubes slide all the way
down until they touched my lips. Like pieces of winter, they cooled my
mouth just before the burn of the scotch hit my throat and seared me
from the inside out.
I lived for that burn.
was supposed to meet me nearly fifteen minutes ago, but that piece of
shit hadn’t shown his face. A hot little number probably got his
attention along the way, and like always, he got sidetracked.
Couldn’t blame him.
black ring on my right hand felt heavy with commitment. It was the only
piece of jewelry I wore other than my watch, and it took some getting
used to. To everyone else, it was just a ring. It had no meaning and no
But in my world, its significance was quite clear.
I was out in the regular world, I wondered if anyone recognized me for
what I really was—a dark and twisted asshole. The shit I was into turned
most women away. The ones who were brave enough to stick around always
changed their minds. My tastes were specific and they would never
change, which was why I needed to stick to my world and not bother with
the real one.
If this really was the real one.
door to the bar opened, accompanied by an ice-cold breeze. I felt it on
the back of my neck, caressing the nearly invisible strands of hair
that poked out underneath my collar. The black suit and tie was one of
my favorites—fit to a T. I had work that evening, and I always fit the
whatever reason, and for no reason at all, I turned my attention to the
open door. Two women walked inside, one blonde and one brunette. Both
petite in stature and pretty in their unique ways, they turned heads as
they entered.
My eyes went to the brunette.
I had a thing for brunettes. Always had and always would.
wore a black pencil skirt that was snug on her womanly hips. Curves
that made my throat turn dry caught my attention, and I immediately
fantasized about gripping her thighs then slowly raising my hands up her
skirt, pulling the fabric along until her panties were exposed to my
mercy—or cruelty.
took a lot to impress me when it came to women, and not because I was
picky or superficial, but because I received enough satisfaction every
day and every night to dim my desire. My fantasies were a reality, and I
had no interest in looking for a woman who couldn’t fulfill them.
But she caught my eye anyway.
had an hourglass figure, perfect for guiding up and down my length with
my hands on her hips. Perky tits were pressed tightly against her pink
blouse, and she had a slender neck with a pronounced hollow in her
throat—perfect for my tongue to explore.
wore five-inch heels and rocked them like they were sandals, and thin
and toned legs were obvious below the cut of her skirt. They nearly
reached her neck because they were so long. Every woman had specific
traits that made them sexy. Sometimes they had a nice rack or ass.
Sometimes they had a slender waistline that stretched on for days. Sometimes they had legs like hers, the kind I pictured around my waist.
But this woman had them all.
eyes didn’t lose their focus as I watched her like a hawk, my mind
obsessed and my cock hard. When she passed through the crowd, she parted
the way with her natural power. She commanded the room as she held her
head high with the elegance of a queen. But her smile was innocent like
that of a princess.
legs wanted to move in her direction and stake a claim before someone
else could make a move. I wanted to tell her my name and hear hers in
return. She probably had the sexiest voice, classy like the rest of her
But I couldn’t.
My hands were tied.
made a commitment to someone else. Our bond wasn’t based on love,
friendship, or anything else remotely meaningful. But when I gave
someone my word, I kept it. If a man’s word didn’t count for anything,
then he automatically lost his self-worth. That was a lesson my father
taught me, and it was the only one I respected.
So I turned away and glanced at my watch.
Where was he?
woman’s voice sounded behind me, and judging by its beauty and power,
it could only belong to one person. Without turning around to make sure
my assumption was correct, I knew it belonged to the woman who got me
harder than steel.
“That guy is such a fucking asshole. I can’t believe he did that to you.”
smirked at the way she cursed. She meant every word and said it with a
backbone, but her stature made it hard to take her seriously. She was
simply too soft on the eyes to have a dirty mouth.
friend sighed before she responded. “I know… I went home and cried, and
I hated myself for doing it. He isn’t worth my tears. He isn’t worth
“Damn straight.”
drank my scotch and concentrated on the sound of her voice. Her
appearance got me hard, and her no-bullshit attitude got me harder. My
attraction usually started with quiet women, the soft ones that were
looking for someone to lead them. But her strength was oddly arousing.
man squeezed into the bar beside me and brushed my shoulder. When it
wasn’t Jackson, I gave him a terrifying glare. I hated being touched by
anyone who didn’t receive my explicit permission—no matter how innocent
their intention was.
He quickly scooted away, leaving an appropriate foot of space between us. He ordered a beer—a pussy drink. He
wore a black suit that was poorly tailored and didn’t hide the
imperfections of his weak shoulders and laughable build. This guy had
done nothing egregious to me, but I despised him for that innocent
The womens’ conversation continued.
“Oh my god.” Her friend gasped quietly but was unable to cover it despite the constant chatter of the crowd.
She kept her voice strong rather than concerned. Again, she commanded
the conversation with just her tone of voice. I’d never known a woman
like that.
Dave.” Her friend dropped her voice low so no one could overhear them. I
had to strain my ears and discreetly turn my head so I could pick up on
what they were saying. Their conversation had nothing to do with me,
and frankly, it wasn’t that interesting. But I loved hearing that
woman’s voice. “I can’t believe he’s here. Probably picking up someone
else while his wife is at home.”
“Are you fucking serious?” She didn’t bother keeping her voice down. “That two-timing shithead is here?”
“At the bar.”
Their conversation halted for nearly ten seconds.
“Where?” she demanded. “Which one?”
“He’s at the front in a black suit.”
eyes discreetly glanced to the man beside me, knowing he must be the
man they were discussing. A wedding ring was absent from his finger, and
his eyes kept roaming down the bar to the woman huddled near the end. He was definitely on the prowl tonight—no doubt about it.
I actually felt bad for his wife.
And I felt bad for whatever my obsession was about to do to him.
“What are you doing?” her friend asked.
“I’m giving that motherfucker a piece of my mind.”
smirked, excited to see her in action. She would probably grab the guy
by the shoulder and throw her drink in his face. Maybe I would get a
waft of her smell. Maybe her delectable hip would press against mine.
“No, don’t—”
sound of heels clanked behind me, and I knew she was just a foot away
from me. This guy was about to get his ass kicked by a woman half his
size. And he deserved it. I would stick around for the show. Now, I
didn’t even care that Jackson was nearly half an hour late.
“Hey, asshole.” She grabbed me by the arm and yanked hard enough to get me to face her.
by the uninvited touch, I immediately faced her and looked down into
her expression. Green eyes, fierce with fire, looked back at me, and her
lips pressed so tightly together they were nearly invisible. Her cheeks
were flushed with rage, and her long brown hair was pulled over one
shoulder, extending past her tits. Her blouse had a V-neck in the front,
and I could see the small freckles that I wasn’t able to see before.
Instead of telling her she had the wrong man, I stared at her in pure
fascination. Up close, she was even more beautiful—absolutely fuckable.
retracted her hand, and with lightning speed, slapped me so hard across
the face I actually turned with the force. My neck snapped to the right
and my skin tingled from the collision of her palm against my face.
Immediately, my skin burned from the heat of momentum, and the slap of
our skin moving together echoed in the bar. My neighbors quieted down,
watching the spectacle like a street fight as this woman charged me like
a bull.
turned back to her, and while the rage slowly burned inside my chest, I
felt something else. My entire body tensed with the undeniable arousal
that coursed through my veins. She hit me—and she hit me hard. That
hatred and ferocity got my engine revving like I was about to enter a
drag race. My cock was harder than ever before, and I couldn’t stop
picturing her pinned underneath me as I fucked her until she screamed.
She kept slapping me across the face as I pounded her into my mattress,
losing the fight we both knew I would win.
Fuck, I was hard up.
eyes widened with hostility before that pretty little mouth of hers
told me off. “You’re absolutely despicable and a sorry excuse for a man.
You should be ashamed of yourself for cheating on your wife and for
playing games with my friend. There’s a special place in hell for
assholes like you.” She pulled her hand back and slapped me again,
putting her entire weight into the collision. Another slap echoed in the
bar, ringing loud in my ears. Everyone around us gasped as she laid it
on me good.
spine tingled as the surging desire washed through me like a goddamn
tsunami. I wanted to throw her on the bar and fuck her right then and
there. I wanted to pop all the buttons off her shirt and rip her panties
in half before I shoved her skirt over her tits. In front of everyone
in the bar, I would fuck her until I filled her with so much of my seed
she wouldn’t be able to walk without it dripping all over the floor.
I had to do was grab her wrist and steady her hand so she couldn’t hit
me again, but I didn’t. All I had to do was tell her she had the wrong
man, but I didn’t do that either. I’d never felt more alive, more
aroused, than I did in that moment.
And I never wanted her to stop hitting me.
“Stop!” Her blonde friend came up behind her and grabbed her by the arm. “Not him!”
didn’t listen to a word her friend said because she shoved me hard in
the chest. Like a mountain, I didn’t move. In fact, it made her body
thrust backward instead. “Not such a tough guy after all, huh? How about
I give your wife a call and tell her your dick has been around the
block one too many times?”
stared at her mouth without really listening to her. When she was
pissed, she was even sexier. Her cheeks flushed a beautiful hint of
rose, and her eyes were greener than the vines on a hot summer day. I
wanted her to stay exactly like this, hitting me like a punching bag
until my cock couldn’t stay in my trousers any longer.
slapped me again, hitting the exact same cheek for a third time in a
row. Now I knew my face was beet red and scorching hot. I knew I would
have a mark from her handprint for the next few hours until it faded
away. “That’s what happens to men who fuck with my best friend.” She
pointed her finger in my face like it was somehow threatening. “You
actually thought you were going to get away with it—”
not him!” Her friend screamed loud over the conversations of the bar,
making everyone halt and look at her. “Stop hitting him!”
She finally listened to her friend and looked at her, her face immediately slackening with trepidation. “What?”
man in the black suit was no longer next to me. The second he saw the
commotion, he must have noticed his ex and hit the exit. Smart man. He
wouldn’t have enjoyed the beating my face had just taken—his loss.
“I told you fifteen times that you had the wrong guy. Dave already left after you slapped this guy the first time.”
cheeks turned white, the pale rose color fading away immediately. Her
green eyes lost their vibrancy, turning a dull gray that I didn’t find
nearly as attractive. Unable to look at me, she kept eye contact with
her friend. Humiliation emitted from her in waves that washed over me
like the freezing ocean. Self-loathing and hatred were there as well.
put her hands on her hips and took a few breaths before she finally
turned back to me. Her eyes were on the floor, oddly similar to a
submissive, before she took another breath and finally found the courage
to meet my eyes. “God…I’m so sorry. I thought you were someone else.
I…I’m so humiliated.”
examined her new expression, absorbing all the intricate features I
didn’t notice before. She had a freckle in the corner of her mouth, so
small and slight I hardly noticed it. Like a distant star deep in space,
it contrasted against her fair complexion. My tongue shifted in my
mouth, desperate to taste that tiny freckle and explore everything else
about her body.
had a petite little nose, slender and nicely shaped. It fit her
beautiful face perfectly, like a renowned artist shaped her features
until they were just right. Her eyes were large and bright, shaped like
almonds. Her cheeks were prominent and curved, giving her a slender
appearance that matched her perfect body. From my height, I could see
her cleavage line—only I didn’t look.
I didn’t say anything, she gave me the same apologetic look, desperate
for forgiveness. “I swear, I’m not normally like that. This guy hurt my
friend, and I got carried away. I mistook you for him.”
only reason why I hadn’t spoken was because I was stretching out the
conversation as long as possible, so I could stare at her all I wanted.
Her lips were plump and wet. When she was nervous, she sucked on her
upper lip. She did it twice since our conversation began. I wanted to
pull it into my mouth and do all the sucking for her. “Honest mistake. I
eyes shifted back and forth as she stared at me. “I really am sorry.”
Her eyes moved to my red cheek, and her hand moved slightly from her
waist like she wanted to touch it. “If there’s anything I can do, please
let me know.” She pulled her hand back to her side, refraining from
raising her hand to me again.
friend grabbed her by the wrist. “Let’s just leave him alone. I think
we’ve put him through enough…” She gently pulled her friend along.
was losing her, and I had no choice but to let her go. The ring on my
right hand felt unnaturally heavy. But then suddenly, I didn’t feel it
at all. The weight evaporated into thin air like it’d never been there
to begin with. “There is something you can do.”
She stopped and didn’t allow her friend to pull her any farther. “Anything.”
me your name.” I took a step toward her, not wanting to miss whatever
she was about to say. I lived for that answer, needing to hear it in my
ears and taste it on my tongue. When I beat off later that night, I
wanted to know exactly who I was beating off to.
“You want my name?” Her voice barely came out as a whisper. “That’s all?”
“Yes.” My eyes narrowed on her face, needing that answer more than anything else in the world.
faltered for an instant, unsure if she should give it to me because she
didn’t understand my motive. Maybe I wanted it so I could report her to
the police and press charges. If that was the case, that was my right
and she had to cooperate. Her lips were parted before she spoke, and she
finally gave her answer. “Rome Moretti.”
Order Now
Once again Ms. Penelope you never disappoint. Your words are addictive and only leave us wanting more. You are such a talented writer and have gained a true and loyal follower. Thank you for giving us different ways of looking at Christian and Ana relationship and giving us new characters to enjoy. Can't wait for Button And Hate!!
ReplyDeleteLoved it I want more! And I can't wait for buttons and hate!!
ReplyDeleteWill there be more of Ana and Christian??? I love this story, Would love to see Ana be dom.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering the same
DeleteSo I hope you keep the chapters coming. I love to see Ann in control and seeing Christian go with it. You did a great job with this story .
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely LOVEEEEE!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou never disappoint!thank you for another great read. Can't wait for Buttons and Hate!
ReplyDeleteI want more
ReplyDeleteI need more!!
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ReplyDeleteI need more... Omg (sorry for the over share) but I fucked the shit out of my fiance after reading that last part. I had to come back and read it again when I finished lol. It was such a turn on, reading about Ana being in control for once. Gosh I pray there's more chapters. Now I have to read this book that new character is from.
ReplyDeleteWow....Ana in charge. Dominatrix now??
ReplyDeleteLol. I am also waiting to see if there be more chapters with a kinky, sexy twist. Lol
Loving Ana in charge, please more chapters
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ReplyDeleteRead all 8 chapters(Meeting Ana)& 25+epig(MrsFifty)yesterday afternoon--I couldn't put it down!I have the 3 Black Obsidian ordered along with the 3 Buttons&Lace! Ordered the 5books in Crossfire earlier.Please please continue on with this Christian&Ana chapters/series--abt Elena's involvement w/Christian's father??& abt Colton--something has to be going on w/that due to his comments to Ana just before Christian walked into cafe!!So much more for you to write/tell us about!!Please continue on--we love it & miss you writing abt them!! I make this comment after reading my FSOG trilogy hardcopy books & "Grey" book at least 3 times & I enjoyed them and these 8 & 25 online chapters all the same--very very much! I loved the 4 FSOG books more than the 2 movies as I felt the movies left out way too many details!Again,please continue with Christian & Ana!
ReplyDeleteIf you would like an alternative to casually picking up girls and trying to figure out the right thing to do...
ReplyDeleteIf you'd prefer to have women chase YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in noisy bars and night clubs...
Then I urge you to watch this short video to find out a strong secret that can literally get you your personal harem of hot women just 24 hours from now:
I want more of Mrs. Fifty Shades.